Play Hnefatafl Online. The Viking board game.

World Championship Tournament 2024 starts Sep. 15th:
Tournament page 2024.
Countings 2024.

Last year's tournament page.
Play against humans.
Тавлеи против людей.
Rasmus Holbroe vikings
Artist: Copyright © Rasmus Holbroe (Jan. 2016).

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Code of Conduct. You should not post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful or threatening material. Doing so may lead to you being immediately banned for a period of time.
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10-21/22:10 cacreal: Lets' keep the Cacreal vs Draganov games for round 3 copenhagen even with Odin added back in - I am excited for our speed matches

10-21/21:11 Draganov: I spoke with Odinhimself and he told me he is going to take part in the R3 and didn't quit.

10-21/15:11 Hagbard: No lost only 2 games and at worst 3.
The Oct. 16th looks like a resign.
If it is not, it is simple to change the setup, but preferably before 23rd 12 o'clock..

10-21/13:49 Draganov: @Hagbard, I can't see OdinHimself in the setup for R3. Was he eliminated? I think he didn't lose 5 games.

10-21/12:11 Hagbard: NB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Copenhagen round 3 starts Oct. 23rd at about 18 o'clock Danish time.
(To give the Hist. and Sea players two days more to get their games going as discussed 11.10.)
Setup shown here:

10-21/06:33 Hagbard: *** Info ***
When possible some day soon, Copenhagen round 3 will start at about 18 o'clock Danish time.
Possible setup shown here:

10-18/10:24 Hagbard: A word with the new round:

Even in the sheath, the sword must be sharp.

10-18/10:13 Hagbard: The Dimetr2 has balance +1.29. But the slight positive overweight could give better games.
Generally it is more difficult to be white and have to find creative ways to escape. And generally easier to be black and destroy white's ideas.

10-18/10:03 Dimetr: Hagbard!
Thank you for setting up Dimetr2 for 3d round!
I think, it will be interesting
Now it seems? that white is stronger a little.
So, maybe we can make black first move?
(After tournament? Or, maybe right now... why not?
Now, only a few players have made a couple of moves.
But, I don`t insist).
Sorry, I not saying this earlier, I didn`t expect Dimetr2,
in the 3rd round.
I understand, that you are already tired
of us, during this tournament)))

10-18/09:17 Hagbard: As for setups, those solutions look fine, I didn't discover them.

When the number of players is less, then there's not room for a whisk setup. Only for oblique-lines.

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... messages three months back ...

Kievan Rus'.
Kievan Rus

Alexander Steiger Dis' game set up in the Royal Hall in Lejre, Denmark. (Click on the image)

Train your brain like a viking. Science Days in Norway Sep. 27th 2020. (Click on the image!)

Hnefatafl is also known by the names Nefatavl, The King's Table, The Viking Game, Viking Chess, Tablut or simply Tafl.
History of this site.
Art on this site.
Comments on Hnefatafl.
The origin of the Viking board game Hnefatafl and the Berserk rules.
Links to more information on the Viking board game Hnefatafl.
Tafl Shops.

Viking word of wisdom: The Hávamál.
(Havámál på dansk).

World Championship Tournament 2023.

Здесь можно играть в тавлеи против людей. Можно использовать кириллицу.

Many thanks to Tim Millar ("crust"), Adam Bartley ("Adam"), John C. Ashton, Nicolas Cartier, Jonas Lööf ("conanlibrarian"), Olli Salmi, Damian Walker ("cyningstan"), Rasmus Holbroe, Thore Nissen, Lucho Panchev ("OdinHimself"), Corey Hart ("Brench"), Alexander Steiger Dis ("Steiger"), Dmitry Pashkov, Delray Curtis ("jrton80"), David Zolli ("branan"), Luk Martens ("Masterluke"), Marian Luck ("themightyglider"), Mikkel Berg-Nordlie ("mihkkal"), Alessandro Arzani ("Abbas Agraphicus") and all players who contributed to this site and to the photo gallery. And not least the more than 600 players the world over who played here 50,000 real tafl games humans against humans and created a vast, practical experience with this intriguing, historical board game.

Updated 6.10.2024
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