World Championship Tournament 2024 started Sep. 15th: Tournament page 2024. Countings 2024. |
Play against humans. Тавлеи против людей. ![]() Artist: Copyright © Rasmus Holbroe (Jan. 2016). |
02-06/21:18 Luizz: I usually dont timeout at x10 timing, as you get enough time back there. My x10 games against sqAree are always that tight on time, but we never timeout. Therefore I would prefer these games to be rated, especially since all the other games against Paca were rated as well. Also, changing the stakes during a game seem very un-wiking-like 02-06/20:34 Hagbard: It's an exception. The two games were x10 and rated. However, time began to run out and the red text emerged. I remember the thing you have with the red text ... So I took the liberty to remove the time problem by unrating the two games. 02-06/19:39 Luizz: I have an ongoing game against Paca that I will probably end up winning. However, the game is unrated at the moment. I am pretty sure though, that the game was rated before, could it be that the rating was changed in this game? I am a bit confused due to this 02-06/17:39 Hagbard: True. The games played out are the interesting ones, leaving out games of big rating difference. I guess the tournament winner can yet be found, I don't know exactly how. 02-06/15:34 Draganov: Ok, but they played against different number of opponents. For example Masterluke played against 6 opponents and Tonythebook against 5. Раса and I played against only 4. So, playing against more opponents will give a player the chance to gain more points and help him winning the tournament. 02-06/07:16 Hagbard: They play against the closest four players: 02-05/22:32 Draganov: @Hagbard, could you clarify why in the Loki 17x17 tournament the players didn't play in round-robin format against each other but some of the players skip one opponent and Раса and I skipped two opponents? 02-04/08:23 Hagbard: New in gallery, Larix 2025 !! 02-02/12:37 Dimetr: Hagbard! I send you some photo from Larix 2025. This year, there were only few players, so we didn't hold the tournament. We just played Tafl for fun, and showed several new players how to play 02-01/19:13 Hagbard: Revived the game. But to change a move is very complicated. |
Alexander Steiger Dis' game set up in the Royal Hall in Lejre, Denmark. (Click on the image)
Train your brain like a viking. Science Days in Norway Sep. 27th 2020. (Click on the image!)
Hnefatafl is also known by the names Nefatavl, The King's Table, The Viking Game, Viking Chess, Tablut or simply Tafl.
History of this site.
Art on this site.
Comments on Hnefatafl.
The origin of the Viking board game Hnefatafl and the Berserk rules.
Links to more information on the Viking board game Hnefatafl.
Tafl Shops.
Viking word of wisdom: The Hávamál.
(Havámál på dansk).
World Championship Tournament 2024. |
Здесь можно играть в тавлеи против людей. Можно использовать кириллицу. |
Many thanks to Tim Millar ("crust"), Adam Bartley ("Adam"), John C. Ashton, Nicolas Cartier, Jonas Lööf ("conanlibrarian"), Olli Salmi, Damian Walker ("cyningstan"), Rasmus Holbroe, Thore Nissen, Lucho Panchev ("OdinHimself"), Corey Hart ("Brench"), Alexander Steiger Dis ("Steiger"), Dmitry Pashkov, Delray Curtis ("jrton80"), David Zolli ("branan"), Luk Martens ("Masterluke"), Marian Luck ("themightyglider"), Mikkel Berg-Nordlie ("mihkkal"), Alessandro Arzani ("Abbas Agraphicus") and all players who contributed to this site and to the photo gallery. And not least the more than 600 players the world over who played here 50,000 real tafl games humans against humans and created a vast, practical experience with this intriguing, historical board game. |
Updated 8.1.2025
Copyright © 1998-2025 Aage Nielsen, All Rights Reserved; |