Summarizing; These would be the steps to follow:
1-First I have to read the rules well; I think there is in Spanish. From what I see there are many modalities (11x11, 7x7, 3x15) but are the rules the same for everyone?
2-I want to buy 5 boards to be able to do the Basque tournament in April or June. I found these 4, but maybe we will make a simple cardboard one to reduce costs. With these four boards could we only play 11x11, or could we also play 7x7, 9x9...?
I imagine that in 7X7 you play with smaller boards and fewer pieces, logically.
Then we would try to get 5 11x1 boards and 5 7x7 boards.
These are the games I would buy online:
11x11 ... CiaXCjDqBU ... uymUASkSJI ... UT0cGFns3w
9x9 ... TMau3E4QlE
3-Our intention is to hold two Hnefatafl Basque tournaments during the year; one for each most popular modality. Maybe 11x11 and 7x7? Or also in the shape of a hex, rectangular...
Then how should I send you the results so you can publish them? Something similar like this?
Swiss system, Basque Country Tafl Championship (11x11):
Egoitz Campo 1-0 Maximum
Daniel Barrientos 1-0 Andi
Joseba 1-0 Jacob
Luis 1-0 Jesus
Daniel1-0 Egoitz
Luis 1-0 Joseba
Like this or just the results without the classification?
Should all players register on the page?
Thanks for your help.