a new tafl-variant?

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Re: a new tafl-variant?

Post by Fishbreath » Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:36 pm

Are the Ks knights after all?

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Re: a new tafl-variant?

Post by Masterluke » Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:20 pm

No, they're not. Just guards who cannot take an cannot be taken... :)

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Re: a new tafl-variant?

Post by Masterluke » Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:51 am

After several test games and a tournament, it's been proven that this game favors black too much... This is mainly due to the unbeatable and non-capturing guards, which are hindering white too much and even provide shelter to attacking black pieces... So instead of helping white, they actually help black!
Therefore, we (=Hagbard and me) agreed on deleting the guards altogether... and relocating the white V-men closer to the king, like originally intended. The ongoing tournament still features the 2 guards, but below I show the new set-up.
braetstilling2gif.php.png (20.92 KiB) Viewed 15537 times

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Re: a new tafl-variant?

Post by Masterluke » Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:21 am

Another improvement to the 17 x 17 Alea Berserk (Martens) concept: I changed the starting positions of the black V-men, so that they become more involved in the game ... they exchanged places with 4 commanders. See image below
Schermafbeelding 2020-02-14 om 09.15.14.png
Schermafbeelding 2020-02-14 om 09.15.14.png (90.1 KiB) Viewed 15515 times

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Re: a new tafl-variant?

Post by Masterluke » Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:12 am

Since the omission of the guards, this game variant Tyr 17 x 17 (formerly called 'Alea Berserk Martens 2') seems to be very much in balance, but the upcoming tournament has to prove it for sure. I hope many of you will give it a try... By the way, I call it 'Tyr' like the Nordic god of war, whose name was shouted out when vikings attacked.

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Tyr: Current status

Post by ypaul » Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:56 am

Hi! I was just wondering what's the current status of Tyr. From the rulebook, it mentions a starting position with just commanders on a 15x15, and it proposes the 11x11 and 15x15 Simple Tyr.

I was looking through the archives and it seems like the "Simple" versions have now been named just "Tyr", and the version with the commanders is renamed to "Old Tyr 15x15". Has there been developments since then where it is found that the simple version without special pieces makes the best game?

EDIT: So I just found out about the small forum. I have a lot more to read it seems, but I found the discussion on this, for which I'll paste here just in case anyone stumbles upon this:
2022-02-04 14:59:14 MasterLuke: Right now, I have this conversation with an opponent in the Philippe Schober Hnefatalf app, regarding a 'defintive' or 'standard' Tyr game variant.
This is my conclusion, see text below:
'So far, the game we know as 'Simple Tyr' - be it on 11x11 or 15x15 board - is the most homogeneous and balanced game and we might call this the 'standard' Tyr variant. There is also 'Tyr' (without the Simple prefix) which includes jumping commanders. It's only 2 years we're trying out different possibilities... which is nothing compared to the 1500 years lifespan of Tafl. I think, in time 'Tyr' will fade away and 'Simple Tyr' will become 'Tyr'. It's an ongoing process, really.'
Somebody here got remarks or opinions otherwise?
2022-02-10 20:12:00 MasterLuke: Hi, folks!
In the near future the 'regular' Tyr game variants (with jumping commanders) will be called 'Old Tyr' and classified for the archives... This I asked Hagbard and we agreed upon it, because too few people play it. The game variant we now call 'Simple Tyr' (without commanders) is besides more balanced also way more popular and will be called just 'Tyr' and replace current 'Tyr'. In the meantime, Hagbard and I will test a new set up on a 13x13 format (with the Simple Tyr moniker for now).

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Re: a new tafl-variant?

Post by Masterluke » Tue May 14, 2024 6:59 am

Yeah, and to make things more complicated: at this very moment you can play some tournaments featuring the ‘Alea Berserk (Martens)’ variant, which is indeed the forerunner of Tyr - with commanders and V-men but without the guards 😉.

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