So far the names are unofficial, the establishment of an international hnefetafl society/association (see Crusts topic which talks about this) would be the first step in setting such names in stone. Names that do pop up are ones that we have used in the forum and game chat, and as seems befitting, the ones that help us stick. Crust and I started using the name Millar Gambit (e.g. white G5 to G2) when crust (real name Tim Millar) started using that opening regularly and we started seriously looking at good responses for black. It lead to the term 'Millar Gambit declined' for one promising response (white G5 to G2 - black E1 to E3), though now that we have a few variations on that we'll need to expand the terminology. Also it looks like white then playing D6 to D4 makes the Millar Gambit declined a fairly bad move. Probably need a new topic to hammer that one out though : )Roderich wrote:I don't know if this is the right place to discuss that, but I really would like to know which are the established opening names and their exact coordinates – whatever starting position – so far (the Millar Gambit does already "exist", doesn't it?).
The draw forts are great fun to name, Tim has had a crack at it on his draw forts page on his website: [ www . tim-millar . co . uk / section509308 . html ]
Otherwise, if you start finding patterns or spot what looks like the origin of a distinct strategy, feel free so suggest a name for it! I agree they help enormously when playing and discussing. This is a renaissance after all, we are like the first astronomers discovering and naming the moons of Jupiter!