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Openings played by the world champions

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:06 pm
by Draganov
I was thinking about classifying the tafl openings and building some game theory.
I think it will be good if we have names for the different opening moves. It will help us to analyze and commend the games little bit easier. I think we can name the tafl openings in a similar way like the chess openings.
Here are the names I suggest for the openings:

Millar Gambit Accepted: 1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.h3-h2xg2 or 2.h3-g3xg2
Millar Gambit Declined: every move which doesn't take the viking on G2
French Opening: 1.g1-g3 named after the French players Plantagenet, Floki and Ytreza who often played it.
German Opening: 1.h1-h3 d6-d9 named after Schachus and Nath
English Opening: 1.h1-h3 f8-i8 named after Crust and Herjan
Russian Opening: 1.h1-h3 h6-h9 named after Alex Hnefatafl
Italian Opening: 1.h1-h3 f8-c8 named after Mmagari.
American Opening: 1.f2-i2 named after Altti and Cacreal
Canadian Opening: 1.h1-h4 named after Cacreal
Face-to-Face Attack: 1.h1-h3 d6-d3 named like that because the vikings on h3 and d3 are facing each other.
Side Attack: 1.h1-h3 f4-i4 the whites are trying to attack from the side.
Dutch Opening: 1.g1-g2 named after P59xy.
Bulgarian Opening: 1.h1-h3 g5-g4 or (g7-g8, e5-e4, e7-e8, e5-d5, e7-d7, g5-h5 or g7-h7) named after Draganov.
Scandinavian Opening: 1.f2-j2
Norwegian Opening: 1.h1-i1 named after Adam.
Spanish Opening: 1.h1-h3 f4-c4
Polar Gambit: 1.h1-h3 h6-h10 named Polar Gambit because it is so rarely seen that only people who live in Antarctica probably play it.
Hungarian Opening: 1.h1-h3 e7-e9 or (e7-c7, e5-e3, e5-c5, g7-g9, g7-i7, g5-i5 or g5-g3) named after Huzsiati.
Indirect Millar Gambit: 1.h1-h3 e7-b7 or g7-j7 or e7-e10 the idea is that Tim Millar offered a sacrifice not directly to the black opened side but to some of the untouched sides.
Irregular Opening: all other opening moves like 1.f2-k2 or 1.f2-f3 or 1.h1-h5 or 1.g1-g4 or some strange white's responds to 1.h1-h3 like f8-g8 or f8-h8.

The biggest issue with building tafl opening theory is that in tafl we have the chance to play one opening in several different rotated ways. For example, in some of the games a player starts with 1.h1-h3 while in other games the first move is 1.k8-i8. It is practically the same move in both games but in the second example the board is rotated. And 1.h11-h9 is the same like 1.h1-h3 but mirrored. So, I think we need to normalize the board before analyzing the games. I think the most commonly played first move is 1.h1-h3. Moreover, it comes naturally for a right-handed player to start like that on a real board. So, I take it as a base and normalize all of the other rotated moves according to it. I created a computer program which takes the notation of a game and normalize it like it was played from the standard side (h1-h3). Then, the program tells me what is the name of the opening that was played. The program can accept a list of multiple games, normalizing all of them, naming the games according the opening names and display a statistics about how many of each opening were played. I test it with all 24 games of Schachus from the world championship 2014 and now I am going to use it for analyzing all of the games of the world champions from the championship that they won.

Re: Openings played by the world champions

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:41 pm
by Draganov
I started analyzing the openings which occured in the championship games of Schachus from the world tafl championship 2014.
He played 24 games winning all of them (10 in the First round and 14 in the Second round... the results from the two games against Adam from Round 1 were transferred to Round 2).
Here is a list of the openings from Schachus' games and their occurencies:
Millar Gambit Declined: 6,
Side Attack: 3,
German Opening: 3,
American Opening: 3,
Hungarian Opening: 3,
Canadian Opening: 2,
Polar Gambit: 2,
English Opening: 1,
Indirect Millar Gambit: 1

The most frequently used opening was Millar Gambit Declined. Schachus played 4 times g5-g2 as white as a response to 1.h1-h3. In all 4 games his opponents declined the offered Millar Gambit. Schachus himself declined the Millar Gambit in two of his games with the blacks (against Helfrich and Plantagenet). Since Schachus won all of the 7 games in which Millar Gambit Declined was played the balance is 4 wins for the whites and 2 wins for the blacks.

Side Attack was used 3 times. In 2 of the games Schachus fought against it with the blacks and in 1 game he played it with the whites (against Helfrich). So the balance is 1 win for the whites and 2 wins for the blacks.

German Opening occured 3 times. In two of the games Schachus initiated it (against Crust and Duhawk93). In one of the game Schachus played against German Opening (against Nath who initiated it). The balance is 2 wins for the whites and 1 for the blacks.

American Opening was played 3 times. In all of these games the American Opening was started by the Schachus' opponents (Duruk, Dansuno and Nath) who played it with the blacks. Schachus won all of the games, so the balance is 3 wins for the whites.

Hungarian Opening was tried 3 times against Schachus' first move 1.h1-h3. The players who tried it against him were Dansuno, Paterson and Unterwichtel. The result is 3 wins for the blacks since Schachus won all of these games.

Canadian Opening was tried 2 times by Schachus opponents (Unterwichtel and Docbullen). The balance is 2 wins for the whites since Schachus managed to win all of these games with the whites.

Polar Gambit occured 2 times. Both Duruk and Duhawk93 tried to surprise Schachus with it when they had the whites. However, the balance is 2 wins for the blacks.

English Opening was played once by the British Docbullen who played it with the whites against Schachus and lost the game.

Indirect Millar Gambit was tried once by Crust who played with the whites against Schachus but lost the game.

So the balance based on the games of Schachus is:
Millar Gambit Declined: +2.00
Side Attack: -2.00
German Opening: 2.00
American Opening: whites won all games
Hungarian Opening: blacks won all games
Canadian Opening: whites won all games
Polar Gambit: blacks won all games
English Opening:blacks won all games
Indirect Millar Gambit: blacks won all games

It seems that Schachus prefered to offer Millar Gambit when playing with the whites (1.h1-h3 g5-g2). All of his 4 opponents who played with the blacks refused to accept it and therefore the opening became Millar Gambit Declined. Shachus himself prefered to decline the Millar Gambit when playing with the blacks.
In two of the games Schachus decided to play German Opening against 1.h1-h3 instead of offering Millar Gambit. It is remarkable that he refused to test Crust (Tim Millar) with Millar Gambit.
Schachus initiated Side Attack in one of his games with the whites.
In 5 of his games with the whites Schachus entered into an opening chosen by his opponents. Three times American Opening and two times Canadian Opening were played against him.
So, as conclusion, we can say that Schachus prefered to play Millar Gambit with the whites and in all of the games, his opponents refused to accept it. Against some selected opponents, he tried German Opening and rarely he played Side Attack with the whites.
Master these 3 openings and you are going to play like Schachus with the whites :D

With the blacks Schachus always started the game with 1.h1-h3. In two of the cases he faced Side Attack and in another three games he faced Hungarian Opening. Two times his opponents tested him with Millar Gambit and he declined it. Two times they tried to surprise him with the Polar Gambit. Once he faced English Opening, German Opening and Indirect Millar Gambit with the blacks.
So, we can say that Schachus played always 1.h1-h3 as his first move with the blacks and in most of his games in the 2014 championship he played against Side Attack with the blacks.

Re: Openings played by the world champions

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:29 pm
by Draganov
Here are the games of Schachus from the World Championship 2014. I normalized them as they were played from the standard board position.


White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Duruk, Izmir, Turkey

Opening: American Opening
1.f2-i2 f4-c4; 2.b6-b3 f5-f2; 3.d1-d2 c4-c2; 4.b3-b2xc2 f6-f3; 5.j6-j3 f3-a3; 6.b2-a2 a3-b3; 1-0 Black captured 1, white captured 0.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Patterson, Charleston, WV, United States

Opening: Millar Gambit Declined
1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.k4-i4 e5-e2xf2; 3.d1-d3 f5-c5; 4.a4-c4 e2-c2; 5.k5-i5 c2-c3xc4; 6.b6-b3xc3 g2-b2; 7.b3-c3 f4-c4; 8.g1-g2 b2-c2xc3; 9.e1-e2 d6-d9; 10.f1-f2 e6-e3; 11.a6-d6 c4-c3xd3; 12.a5-a4 f6-e6; 13.a7-d7 c5-c6xd6; 14.d7-d6 e6-e5; 15.i4-b4 e5-b5; 16.f10-b10 c3-b3xb4; 17.j6-j4 b3-a3; 18.a4-b4 a3-b3xb4; 19.j4-a4 b3-a3; 20.a8-a5 b5-b1; 21.b10-b2 b1-a1; 1-0 Black captured 1, white captured 7.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Adam, Tønsberg, Norway
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.e1-e3 d6-d3; 3.e3-g3xg2 f4-c4; 4.a8-c8 e7-b7; 5.b6-b2 b7-b10; 6.e11-e9 e6-e8; 7.e9-b9 f6-b6; 8.d11-b11xb10 c4-c1; 9.a5-b5 e5-e1xd1; 10.k4-f4xf5 e8-e10; 11.a7-b7 b6-e6; 12.c8-c3 g7-g10xf10; 13.k8-i8 e6-e9; 14.h11-h9 e9-c9; 15.f11-c11 e10-b10; 16.b9-a9 c9-c10; 17.g3-e3xd3 g10-d10; 18.g11-d11 f8-e8; 19.h9-e9 d10-e10xe9; 20.i8-i11 e10-d10; 21.i11-e11 d10-j10; 22.e11-i11 b10-b9; 23.b11-b10 b9-k9; 24.d11-d10 c10-c9; 25.d10-d9 e8-e9xd9; 26.b5-i5 c9-c10; 27.i5-i10 c10-h10xi10; 28.k7-j7 j10-j9; 1-0 Black captured 4, white captured 5.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Unterwichtel, Stuttgart, Germany
Opening: Canadian Opening

1.h1-h4 g5-g3; 2.e1-e3 d6-d3; 3.f2-f3 f5-i5; 4.h4-h3xg3 i5-i2; 5.g1-g2 f4-c4; 6.f3-f4 e7-e9; 7.a7-c7 f8-c8; 8.b6-c6 g7-j7; 9.k8-j8xj7 f7-j7; 10.g11-g9 h6-h9; 11.f10-f9 h9-j9xj8; 12.d11-d9xe9 e5-j5xj6; 13.d9-c9xc8 f6-f8; 14.h11-h8 f8-b8; 15.c6-d6xe6 b8-b11; 16.k6-h6xg6 b11-a11; 1-0 Black captured 6, white captured 2.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Dansuno, Liège, Belgium
Opening: American Opening

1.f2-i2 f4-c4; 2.d1-d3 h6-h9; 3.j6-j3 g6-j6; 4.k8-j8 f6-i6; 5.f10-i10 h9-j9; 6.k7-j7 f8-f10; 7.b6-b10 i6-i9; 8.g11-g9 j9-j10; 9.j8-j9 f10-h10xi10; 10.h11-i11 g7-g8; 11.j7-g7xg8 j6-j8xj9; 12.k6-k9 j10-i10; 13.k5-k8 i9-j9; 14.i11-h11 j9-j11; timeout 1-0 Black captured 1, white captured 2.

White: Duruk, Izmir, Turkey
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Polar Gambit

1.h1-h3 f8-j8; 2.a8-i8xj8 g7-g8; 3.a7-a9 f7-f9; 4.b6-b10 f9-i9; 5.j6-j9 e7-i7xi8; 6.k4-i4 h6-j6; 7.k5-j5 g8-g10; 8.f10-c10 f6-f8; 9.h11-i11 f8-c8; 10.a4-c4 d6-d3; 11.i11-i10 c8-c5; 12.f2-b2 g5-g2; 13.a5-a3 d3-c3xc4; 14.d1-c1 g2-j2; 15.k7-j7xj6 g6-j6; 16.k6-k3 j2-j4xj5; 17.i4-i2 f5-k5; 18.h3-j3 c5-c8; 19.j7-k7 c8-h8; 20.g11-h11 h8-h1; 21.i2-i1 i7-i2; 22.j3-j2 i9-f9; 23.d11-d6xe6 i2-h2; 24.b10-b9 k5-g5; 25.e11-d11 c3-f3; 26.d6-d2 j4-g4; 27.c1-c3 j6-h6; 28.b2-b4 h6-h9; 29.a3-a5 h2-f2; 30.e1-e2 f2-h2; 31.f1-f2 h2-h3; 32.a6-k6 h1-h2; 33.e2-e3 h3-g3; 34.d2-d4 h2-h7; 35.c3-c5 g10-g8; 36.b4-b6 h7-f7; 37.a5-a7 h9-g9; 38.a9-a8 e5-e8; 39.k6-k4 f7-f8; 40.k3-j3 f8-f7; 41.i1-i3 g5-h5; 42.j2-h2 e8-f8; 43.j3-j4 f7-f6; 44.k4-k5 h5-h7; 45.a7-c7 h7-d7; 46.a8-c8 0-1 Black captured 3, white captured 3.

White: Patterson, Charleston, WV, United States
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Hungarian Opening

1.h1-h3 g7-g9; 2.d11-d9 f7-i7; 3.k4-i4 e7-e8; 4.a8-c8 f6-f7; 5.a7-c7 d6-d2; 6.e11-e10 f7-d7; 7.h3-d3xd2 e6-c6; 8.a4-c4 e5-c5; 9.e1-e3 i7-i11; 10.j6-j9 d7-j7; 11.k5-j5 g9-g10; 12.d9-g9xg10 j7-d7; 13.g9-d9 h6-h2; 14.g1-i1 g6-g10; 15.h11-h10xg10 d7-i7; 16.h10-j10 i7-h7; 17.f10-h10 h7-h9; 18.k6-k3 h2-j2; 19.h10-h11 h9-h1; 20.k7-k4 g5-g2; 21.h11-h2xg2 j2-j1xi1; 22.i4-i1xj1 f4-j4; 23.k3-j3xj4 h1-g1; 24.g11-g3 g1-h1; 25.j3-h3 c5-b5; 26.c4-c5xb5xc6 i11-g11; 27.f2-f4xf5 h1-g1; 28.f4-f2 g11-g4; 29.j5-g5xg4 f8-j8; 30.c7-j7xj8 e8-i8; 31.j9-i9 i8-i2; 32.j7-j2xi2 g1-h1; 33.j2-i2 0-1 Black captured 12, white captured 1.

White: Adam, Tønsberg, Norway
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Side Attack

1.h1-h3 f4-i4; 2.k8-i8 g5-g3; 3.h3-j3 h6-h2; 4.g1-i1 e5-e2; 5.d1-d2xe2 e6-e2; 6.b6-b3 g3-g2xf2; 7.a8-c8 f5-c5; 8.b3-c3 h2-j2; 9.k4-j4 d6-d10; 10.a6-b6 f6-f4; 11.a4-b4 f4-h4; 12.h11-h9 h4-h1; 13.b4-h4xi4 j2-j1xi1; 14.i8-i1xj1 g2-j2; 15.f1-f2xe2 j2-j1xi1; 16.f2-j2 g6-g1; 17.k5-f5 g7-g2; 18.f5-f1 f7-i7; 19.j4-i4 f8-f3; 20.i4-i1xj1xj1 h1-h3; 21.h4-h8 h3-h7; 22.j6-j10 e7-e9; 23.a7-c7 g2-g9; 24.f10-f9xg9 h7-d7; 25.c8-c10 e9-b9; 26.f9-d9xd10 b9-b7xc7; 27.h8-b8xb7 d7-a7; 28.d9-a9 a7-g7; 29.g11-i11 g1-g4; 30.b6-b4 f3-f8; 31.h9-k9 c5-j5; 32.k6-k4 f8-k8; 33.k7-k5 0-1 Black captured 9, white captured 4.

White: Unterwichtel, Stuttgart, Germany
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Hungarian Opening

1.h1-h3 g7-i7; 2.k4-i4 g6-g9; 3.j6-j9 h6-h5; 4.k5-j5 f6-h6; 5.f10-i10 h6-h10; 6.f11-f10 h5-i5; 7.g1-g2 g9-b9; 8.a8-c8 e7-e9; 9.g11-g10 h10-h9; 10.f10-b10 e9-e10; 11.a7-a9 h9-c9; 12.d11-c11 f7-c7xc8; 13.f2-c2 c7-b7; 14.b6-b3 d6-d11; 15.e11-f11 e10-e11; 16.h11-h9 b9-b8; 17.a6-a8 b8-d8; 18.k8-i8 i5-i6; 19.k7-j7 i7-d7; 20.k6-j6 i6-h6; 21.d1-d2 e6-c6; 22.e1-e2 c9-c10; 23.c2-c3 c10-d10; 24.b3-b5 e5-e3; 25.a4-c4 f5-d5; 26.a5-a6 b7-a7; 27.d2-d3 e3-e4; 28.f1-f2 c6-c9; 29.e2-e3 f8-f10; 30.d3-d4 e4-e8; 31.i10-h10 f4-f9; 32.f2-f4 g5-e5; 33.g2-g5 d8-c8; 34.h3-h5 h6-c6; 35.j7-h7 d7-e7; 36.j6-d6xd5 e7-e6xd6; 37.i4-i6 e6-e7; 38.c4-c5 d10-e10; 39.b5-b6 c6-c7; 40.a6-a5 c7-c6; 41.a5-a6xa7 e7-d7; 42.a6-a7 c6-c7; 43.a9-b9 e5-e7; 44.b10-c10 e8-f8; 45.e3-e5 f8-f5; 46.d4-d5 f5-f8; 47.i8-g8 f9-g9; 48.g5-g7 e10-d10; 49.i6-g6 d7-d6; 50.f4-f5 g9-f9; 51.h9-g9 d6-d7; 52.c5-c6 f9-e9; 53.g7-f7 f8-f9; 54.g8-f8 e9-e8; 55.d5-d6 d10-e10; 56.a8-b8 e8-d8; 57.e5-e6 e7-e8; 58.e6-e7 d8-d9; 59.a7-b7 d9-e9; 60.f5-a5 e9-d9; 61.a5-a10 d9-d8; 62.a10-b10 d8-d10; 63.j9-j11 e10-e9; 64.j11-g11 e9-d9; 65.g6-e6 d9-e9; 66.h7-g7 e9-e10; 67.g7-g8 e8-e9; 68.f8-d8xc8xd7 c9-d9; 69.b8-c8xc7 d9-c9; 70.d8-d9xc9 e9-e8; 71.d9-e9xf9xe8 f10-f9; 72.b9-d9 f9-f10; 73.g9-f9xf10 e10-f10; 74.e9-e10xd10 0-1 Black captured 10, white captured 2.

White: Dansuno, Liège, Belgium
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Hungarian Opening

1.h1-h3 e5-c5; 2.a4-c4 e6-e3; 3.d1-d3 e7-c7; 4.f10-c10 f4-f3; 5.e1-e2 h6-h10; 6.b6-b9 g5-i5; 7.f2-i2 e3-e4; 8.a5-b5 i5-i9; 9.h11-i11 g6-g4; 10.j6-j10 f6-j6; 11.h3-j3 i9-k9; 12.i11-i10 j6-i6; 13.g11-h11 h10-h1; 14.k4-i4 i6-j6; 15.i2-i1xh1 timeout 0-1 Black captured 1, white captured 0.


White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Altti, ny, usa
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.e1-e2 f4-i4; 3.g1-i1 h6-h9; 4.e11-e10 g6-g3; 5.h3-h2xg2 e5-b5; 6.a4-b4xb5 f5-b5; 7.k5-c5xb5 i4-i11; 8.j6-h6 f6-f5; 9.i1-i5 f5-h5; 10.h2-h3 g7-h7xh6; 11.k6-j6 h9-h10; 12.k7-i7 h10-j10; 13.k8-j8 h7-h9; 14.f10-h10 h5-h8; 15.k4-k9 h8-i8; 16.h3-h6 i8-i10; 17.h6-h8xh9 j10-j9; 18.i7-i9xj9 i10-k10; 19.j8-j11xi11 k10-k11; 1-0 Black captured 6, white captured 1.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Crust, somerset, UK
Opening: German Opening

1.h1-h3 d6-d9; 2.a4-c4 g7-j7; 3.h11-h9 g5-j5xj6; 4.k4-i4 g6-g2; 5.g11-g3xg2 j7-j10; 6.f11-j11 f7-i7; 7.e11-i11 i7-i9; 8.k8-j8 d9-g9xh9; 9.j8-j9xj10 f8-c8; 10.d1-d9 e7-e10; 11.f10-i10 e10-b10; 12.d11-c11 f6-f10; 13.a8-a10 f10-c10; 14.a7-a9 e6-e11; 15.d9-d11 f5-f11; 16.i11-h11 e5-e10; 17.i4-i8xi9 g9-d9; 1-0 Black captured 3, white captured 2.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Helfrich, Kearneysville, WV, USA
Opening: Side Attack

1.h1-h3 f4-i4; 2.a4-c4 g5-g3; 3.f2-f3xg3 g6-g3; 4.h3-i3 e5-e3xf3; 5.k5-i5xi4 f5-c5; 6.c4-c2 h6-h10; 7.b6-b3 f6-h6; 8.k8-h8 h6-h1; 9.i3-i1 g3-j3; 10.c2-j2 j3-k3; 11.e1-e2 h1-h4; 12.a5-a4 h4-b4; 13.a8-b8 c5-c2; 14.b3-b2 c2-c1; 15.a4-a3 b4-b3; 16.k4-e4xe3 c1-b1xb2; 17.e2-b2 b1-c1; 18.i5-i3 c1-b1xb2; 19.resigned 1-0 Black captured 3, white captured 3.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Plantagenêt, Champagne-Ardennes, FR
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.f2-c2 f4-i4; 3.g1-i1 d6-d9; 4.h11-h9 e7-b7; 5.a8-b8xb7 f7-b7; 6.b8-b9 e5-b5xb6; 7.f10-c10 f5-f3; 8.d1-d3 g6-g3; 9.h3-j3 g2-j2; 10.k4-j4 f8-j8; 11.f11-f8 i4-i9; 12.g11-g9 e6-e8; 13.f8-i8xj8 f6-f11; 14.h9-h11 g7-i7xi8; 15.k8-i8 f11-f10; 16.h11-h10 h6-h9; 17.j6-j10 f10-f11; 18.g9-g11 i9-i11; 19.h10-h11 h9-i9xi8; 20.k7-k9 e8-j8; 21.k6-k8 i9-j9; 22.j10-j11xi11 i7-i11xj11; 23.i1-i8xj8 d9-i9; 24.timeout 1-0 Black captured 4, white captured 4.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Duhawk93, , United States
Opening: German Opening

1.h1-h3 d6-d9; 2.a5-c5 f4-c4; 3.c5-c9 f8-i8; 4.e11-e9xd9 h6-h9; 5.j6-j9 e5-e2; 6.g1-g3 i8-i2; 7.d1-d2xe2 e6-e2; 8.g3-e3xe2 g6-j6; 9.k4-i4 f6-i6; 10.f10-i10 g5-g1; 11.h3-h1xg1 h9-h3; 12.f2-f4xf5 j6-j2; 13.h1-i1 h3-i3; 14.i4-j4 j2-j3; 15.f11-f8xf7 i6-i4; 16.k5-k3 i4-h4; 17.f1-h1 h4-h2; 18.d2-g2 i2-k2; 19.i1-i2 k2-j2xi2; 20.k3-k2 h2-i2; 21.h1-i1 j3-k3xk2; 22.j4-j3 j2-j1; 23.j3-j2 i3-j3xj2; 24.j9-j4 i2-k2; 25.g2-j2xj3 k2-k1; 1-0 Black captured 7, white captured 4.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Nath, Berlin, Germany
Opening: American Opening

1.f2-i2 f4-c4; 2.a8-c8 f5-f2; 3.k4-f4 g5-j5; 4.j6-j9 g6-g3; 5.h1-h3 g3-f3; 6.b6-b2 f6-f5xf4; 7.f10-i10 c4-c1; 8.a5-b5 f5-f4; 9.k5-k3 f4-b4; 1-0 Black captured 0, white captured 1.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Adam, Tønsberg, Norway
This game was transferred from ROUND 1.

White: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Black: Docbullen, formby, Merseyside
Opening: Canadian Opening

1.h1-h4 g5-g3; 2.k4-k3 f5-j5; 3.j6-j9 f6-f5; 4.k8-i8 e5-e2; 5.d1-d2xe2 f5-b5; 6.d2-b2 e7-b7xb6; 7.e1-c1 b5-c5; 8.a8-c8 b7-b10; 9.d11-b11 e6-e9; 10.e11-c11 j5-j2; 11.g1-j1 g3-g1; 12.h4-h1xg1 c5-i5; 13.h1-i1 i5-i2; 14.k3-k2 h6-h1xi1xj1; 1-0 Black captured 2, white captured 3.

White: Altti, ny, usa
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Side Attack

1.h1-h3 f4-i4; 2.g1-g3 g7-g10; 3.h11-h10xg10 g6-g10; 4.k8-i8 f6-g6; 5.e11-e9 g6-g9; 6.i8-i9 d6-d9; 7.b6-b9 g9-f9xe9; 8.f10-c10 f7-j7; 9.h10-j10 f8-i8; 10.g11-i11 g10-i10xi9; 11.k7-k9 e7-e11; 12.f11-h11 f9-f11; 13.a7-g7 g5-j5xj6; 14.f1-i1 f5-f7; 15.a8-f8xf7 e6-e8; 16.d1-d8xe8 e5-e8; 17.f8-f9 f11-f10; 18.f9-f8xe8 e11-e8; 19.f8-f4 f10-f7; 20.d11-d10xd9 j7-h7xg7; 21.k4-j4 j5-c5; 22.e1-c1 c5-c8xd8; 23.a6-a8 i10-g10; 24.f2-b2 i4-i7; 25.h11-e11 g10-g11; 26.k6-k8 h6-d6; 27.c10-c9 c8-c3; 28.a4-a3 e8-e4; 29.f4-f2 e4-a4; 30.a5-a7 a4-a5; 31.i1-i4 g11-g5; 32.g3-g2 h7-h9; 33.k9-j9 f7-b7; 34.j10-i10 i8-c8; 35.f2-c2 c3-d3; 36.b2-b3 c8-f8; 37.i4-i3 0-1 Black captured 5, white captured 5.

White: Crust, somerset, UK
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Indirect Millar Gambit

1.h1-h3 g7-j7; 2.k8-j8xj7 f7-j7; 3.k5-i5 f8-c8; 4.f10-f9 h6-h9; 5.i5-i7xj7 g6-g9; 6.e11-e9 f6-f8; 7.f11-f10 f8-i8; 8.f10-i10 h9-k9; 9.h11-h9xg9 e6-i6xi7; 10.k4-i4 g5-j5; 11.j6-j7 j5-j3; 12.k7-k8 f5-k5; 13.f2-j2 d6-d9; 14.b6-b9 c8-c10; 15.a8-b8 i8-c8; 16.a4-c4 c10-f10; 17.b9-c9xd9 f10-c10xc9; 18.e9-c9 c8-d8; 19.d1-d3 d8-c8xc9; 20.f9-c9 c8-g8; 21.i4-j4xj3 g8-c8xc9; 22.d11-c11 c8-c9; 23.b8-b9 k5-k3; 24.g1-g2 i6-i1; 25.a7-a10 c9-g9; 26.j4-i4 k9-i9xh9; 27.f1-h1 g9-g3; 28.i4-i3 f4-f1; 29.h1-g1xf1 g3-g4; 30.j7-j3 g4-g9; 31.j8-j9 g9-g8; 32.a10-b10 i9-i4; 33.g2-i2 i4-k4; 34.k6-k7 c10-c6; 35.h3-h5 e7-a7; 36.b9-a9 a7-f7; 37.g1-f1 f7-i7; 38.e1-e2 g8-g5; 39.h5-j5 g5-i5; 40.c11-c7 c6-i6; 41.j5-j7 i7-h7; 42.k7-k6 i1-g1; 43.a5-b5 i5-h5; 44.g11-h11 g1-g11; 45.c7-c11 e5-e11; 46.k8-i8 i6-d6; 47.i2-i1 h5-f5; 48.i8-f8 g11-f11; 49.c11-d11 f5-c5; 50.f8-c8 c5-c7; 51.b10-b9 d6-d9; 52.c8-c10 h7-h8; 53.k6-k8 e11-e5; 54.f1-e1 c7-i7; 55.a6-k6 i7-a7; 56.b5-a5 a7-g7; 57.e2-d2 g7-g2; 58.a9-a8 f11-f2; 59.j2-i2 e5-j5; 60.k6-k5 d9-d6; 61.j7-j6 j5-h5; 62.c4-j4 g2-g4; 63.i2-k2xk3xk4 g4-a4; 64.d3-a3 d6-a6xa5; 65.d2-b2 a6-c6; 66.e1-c1 h5-h1; 67.k2-i2 h8-h2; 68.i3-g3 f2-g2; 69.c1-g1xg2xh1 c6-c1; 70.g1-g2xh2 a4-b4; 71.g3-b3 0-1 Black captured 11, white captured 6.

White: Helfrich, Kearneysville, WV, USA
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.f2-c2 g6-g3; 3.k5-i5 h6-h10; 4.k4-i4 g7-g10; 5.e11-e9 h10-j10; 6.k8-i8 f6-h6; 7.h11-h10xg10 h6-h9; 8.j6-j9 h9-i9; 9.h10-i10 f7-i7xi8; 10.k7-k10xj10 f8-k8; 11.k10-k9 i7-k7; 12.f1-f3xg3 g2-j2; 13.g1-j1 j2-f2xf3; 14.g11-g2 i9-i8; 15.d11-d8 e6-j6; 16.i5-j5 i8-g8; 17.a8-c8 g8-g11; 18.i10-i11 0-1 Black captured 3, white captured 2.

White: Plantagenêt, Champagne-Ardennes, FR
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.f2-c2 f4-i4; 3.g1-i1 g6-g3; 4.h3-j3 h6-h10; 5.k8-i8 f8-c8; 6.d11-d9 e7-e10; 7.b6-b10 f7-c7; 8.k7-k9 e5-b5; 9.d1-d3 e6-e3; 10.d3-b3 f5-f2; 11.e1-d1 g2-k2; 12.k4-k3xk2 f2-j2; 13.k9-h9xh10 f6-h6; 14.j6-j4 0-1 Black captured 2, white captured 0.

White: Duhawk93, , United States
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: Polar Gambit

1.h1-h3 d6-d10; 2.d1-d9xd10 e5-b5; 3.a7-c7 e6-e2; 4.d9-d6 f6-e6; 5.h3-e3xe2 e7-e10; 6.g11-g9 f5-c5; 7.d6-d3 b5-b2; 8.a4-a2 e6-e4; 9.f2-c2xb2 f4-j4; 10.g1-g4 h6-h4; 11.f1-f4 g5-j5; 12.k7-i7 j5-i5; 13.c2-c4 g6-h6; 14.d11-d10xe10 i5-f5; 15.i7-i4xh4xj4 h6-h3; 16.f4-f3 e4-f4; 17.a2-g2 f5-h5; 18.i4-h4 f4-f5; 19.k5-i5 h3-j3; 20.h11-h6xh5 f5-g5; 21.h6-h8 g5-h5; 22.f3-i3 j3-j5xi5; 23.j6-j7 h5-i5; 24.k8-i8 j5-j2; 25.e1-j1 f7-f1; 26.h4-h1 f1-c1; 27.k6-c6xc5 i5-b5; 28.d3-b3 b5-d5; 29.g4-d4 d5-d9; 30.c7-c9 d9-d6; 31.i3-j3xj2 f8-f1; 32.a5-a3 d6-d5; 33.e3-d3 d5-e5; 34.g2-c2 e5-e2; 35.j1-j2 e2-i2; 36.h1-i1 i2-i5; 37.b6-b8 i5-a5; 38.a8-a7 a5-k5; 39.c6-k6 0-1 Black captured 9, white captured 1.

White: Nath, Berlin, Germany
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: German Opening

1.h1-h3 d6-d9; 2.h11-h9 e7-b7; 3.f10-c10 e5-b5xb6; 4.f2-b2 e6-e3; 5.a6-c6 f4-i4; 6.g1-i1 f5-c5; 7.a4-c4xc5 e3-a3; 8.f1-f2 f6-d6; 9.c6-c5xb5 d6-b6; 10.d11-b11 b7-b10; 11.a8-b8 d9-b9; 12.a7-a10xb10 b9-a9xa10; 13.c4-a4 g6-c6; 14.h9-c9 i4-c4xc5; 15.f2-c2 f7-b7; 16.b8-b9 b6-b3; 17.e11-e5 c6-c5; 18.d1-d6 c5-c6; 19.d6-g6 g7-d7; 20.k4-g4xg5 f8-f3; 21.e5-c5 c6-d6; 22.c5-c7 c4-c5; 23.k7-e7xd7 b3-b4; 24.c7-c6 b7-c7xc6; 25.e7-d7 c5-d5; 26.b9-b7xc7 timeout 0-1 Black captured 6, white captured 4.

White: Adam, Tønsberg, Norway
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
This game was transferred from ROUND 1.

White: Docbullen, formby, Merseyside
Black: Schachus, Berlin, Germany
Opening: English Opening

1.h1-h3 f8-i8; 2.k4-i4 g7-g10; 3.h11-h10xg10 g6-g10; 4.f10-c10 i8-i10xh10; 5.g11-i11 f7-i7; 6.f11-f9 i10-j10; 7.k8-k10 f6-f8; 8.k7-k9 j10-j11; 9.i11-i8 j11-i11; 10.k10-j10 g10-f10xf9; 11.b6-b9 f8-c8; 12.a4-c4 c8-c9; 13.i8-i9 h6-h10; 14.j10-i10 c9-g9; 15.h3-h9 g5-h5; 16.e11-h11xh10 g9-g2; 17.j6-j2 e5-e2xf2; 18.a5-a3 g2-g11xh11; 19.g1-g8 g11-g9; 20.g8-g3 e7-e11; 21.a8-e8 f5-f9; 22.a7-d7 i7-e7; 23.b9-e9 g9-g5; 24.d1-d5xd6 e6-d6; 25.d5-c5 h5-h1; 26.i4-i1 g5-j5; 27.k9-j9 j5-j3; 28.k5-k3 d6-d3; 29.a3-c3 j3-j6; 30.a6-d6 f9-g9; 31.g3-e3xd3xe2 f4-f9; 32.d6-e6xe7 h1-h7; 33.k6-k8 j6-g6; 34.c10-e10 f10-g10; 35.f1-f8 g6-g2; 36.e3-e2 g2-g8; 37.e10-f10xf9 e11-e10xf10; 38.d11-e11xe10 g10-c10; 39.e11-c11 c10-b10; 40.e9-f9xg9 g8-g10; 41.e8-e10 i11-d11; 42.k8-g8 b10-b11xc11; 43.c5-c11xb11 g10-f10; 44.d7-d10 h7-c7; 45.h9-h11 f10-h10; 46.i9-h9 0-1 Black captured 10, white captured 6.

Millar Gambit Declined: 6,
Side Attack: 3,
German Opening: 3,
American Opening: 3,
Hungarian Opening: 3,
Canadian Opening: 2,
Polar Gambit: 2,
English Opening: 1,
Indirect Millar Gambit: 1

Re: Openings played by the world champions

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:19 pm
by Asther_Kane
This is excellent work, Draganov. I've struggled with the same issue of rotation in analyzing my Tablut games for ages. Previously, I had rotated and flipped the games "by hand", but now, I've used my minimal skills at Microsoft Excel to at least invert the notation to the correct side of the board. Using the same program to rotate the notations as well, unfortunately requires slightly more skill at programming than I'm capable of.

Do you intend on making your program publicly available? In either case, I think the whole community will certainly benefit from the more established/clearly defined openings that you have begun to organize.

Re: Openings played by the world champions

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:58 pm
by Draganov
Asther_Kane wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:19 pm
Do you intend on making your program publicly available?
Yes, I am going to make the program publicly available for free. In the next week I will create a simple UI and upload it in GitHub. I will update the program to be able to normalize games on 7x7 and 9x9 boards. It will work for any variant played on the boards 7x7, 9x9 and 11x11. My future plans are to add normalization for all other board sizes including 19x19 and 5x5.

Re: Openings played by the world champions

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:28 pm
by Draganov
I normalized the games and made statistics regarding the openings which were used by Nath in the 2013 world championship. The championship included 13 players and the format was round-robin. So, Nath faced 12 opponents and played 24 games. He won 22 games (11 with the whites and 11 with the blacks) and lost 2 times (1 with the whites and 1 with the blacks). It is remarkable that both losses of Nath came from Hagbard who managed to beat the future champion with both colors (in both games the opening was Millar Gambit Declined).
Here is the opening list from Nath's games and their occurencies:

Millar Gambit Declined: 8,
Indirect Millar Gambit: 3,
French Opening: 2,
Millar Gambit Accepted: 3,
German Opening: 2,
Hungarian Opening: 2,
American Opening: 1,
Side Attack: 1,
Face-to-Face Attack: 1,
Russian Opening: 1

The most frequently used opening was Millar Gambit Declined. Nath played it 6 times with the whites and 2 times he played against it with the blacks (against Chuck ward and Hagbard).

Indirect Millar Gambit was tried three times (all by Nath's opponents, so Nath played against it with the blacks).

While playing with the whites he faced French Opening twice (against Fraech and Chuck ward).

Three of Nath's opponents accepted the Millar Gambit (Altti, Duhawk93 and Epoc).

Two of Nath's opponents tried German Opening against him with the blacks (Duhawk93 and Altti).

Two of Nath's opponents tried Hungarian Opening against him with the blacks (Sybil and Adam).

American Opening and Side Attack were tried by Bainn against Nath.

Russian Opening was played by Fraech with the whites.

Face-to-Face Attack was played by Mjølnir.

As conclusion, we can say that when playing with the whites, Nath prefered to offer Millar Gambit. He offered Millar Gambit 9 times and 6 times his opponents declined the gambit while 3 times they accepted it. Three times the opening was determined by Nath's opponents (French Opening twice and American Opening once).

With the blacks, Nath always started the games with 1.h1-h3. He faced Millar Gambit 2 times and in both cases he refused to accept it. He also faced Indirect Millar Gambit 3 times and in all of the cases he accepted the sacrificed viking. It is interesting that Nath had to play against German Opening twice. He himself used this opening when plyaing with the whites in the following years. However, in WC2013 he had to play against it with the blacks against two very strong opponents (Altti and Duhawk93). In both games he responded to 1.h1-h3 d6-d9 with the move 2.b6-b9.

His opponents tried to surprise him twice with Hungarian Opening. He won both games and every time he played 2.g1-g3 as his second move with the blacks.

With the black pieces he played once against Face-to-Face Attack, Side Attack and Russian Opening winning all of these games.

Re: Openings played by the world champions

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:34 pm
by Draganov
Here are the games of Nath from the World Championship 2013. I normalized them as they were played from the standard board position.

White: Nath
Black: Crust
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.e1-e3 g6-g3; 3.k4-i4 f5-j5; 4.h3-h2xg2 g7-j7xj6; 5.h11-h9 h6-h4; 6.i4-i3 f6-i6; 7.k8-i8 j5-j2; 8.g1-i1 i6-i4; 9.k5-k2 j2-i2xi3; 10.k6-k3 j7-j1; 11.h2-h1 e6-k6; 12.a4-c4 i4-i3; 13.g11-g5 i3-j3; 14.h9-j9 j1-j2; 1-0
Black captured 1, White captured 2

White: Nath
Black: Bainn
Opening: American Opening

1.f2-i2 e5-e2; 2.b6-b3 f5-b5; 3.d1-d2 f4-c4; 4.d2-c2 d6-d1; 5.f10-c10 f6-f3; 6.j6-j3 f3-d3; 7.d11-d4 e6-e4xd4; 8.a6-d6 d1-c1; 9.j3-e3xe2 c4-c3xc2; 10.a4-a2 c3-c6; 11.d6-d5 c6-c5; 12.a7-d7 d3-d1; 13.d5-d2 c1-c4; 14.b3-b1 d1-c1xb1; 1-0
Black captured 1, White captured 3

White: Nath
Black: Mjølnir
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.f2-b2 g6-g3; 3.k4-i4 f5-j5; 4.i4-i5xj5 h6-h9; 5.k8-i8 f6-i6; 1-0
Black captured 1, White captured 0

White: Nath
Black: Chuck ward
Opening: French Opening

1.g1-g3 h6-h3; 2.f2-f3 e5-e2; 3.f1-f2 g7-g10; 4.h11-h10xg10 g6-g10; 5.j6-h6 f7-i7; 1-0
Black captured 1, White captured 0

White: Nath
Black: Duhawk93
Opening: Millar Gambit Accepted

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.h3-g3xg2 h6-h3; 3.k7-i7 f4-f3xg3; 4.a4-c4 g6-g2; 5.k8-h8 f5-f4; 6.d1-d3 f6-i6; 7.g1-i1 i6-i2; 8.j6-j2 h3-k3; 1-0
Black captured 1, White captured 1

White: Nath
Black: Sybil
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.e1-e3 g6-g3; 3.j6-j2 h6-h9; 4.e3-f3xg3 f6-i6; 5.h11-i11 i6-i10; 6.j2-j10 h9-k9; 7.j10-k10xk9 i10-j10; 8.k8-j8 j10-j11; 9.j8-j10 j11-k11; 1-0
Black captured 2, White captured 0

White: Nath
Black: Altti
Opening: Millar Gambit Accepted

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.h3-h2xg2 g6-g2; 3.e1-e3 g7-g3; 4.g1-i1 h6-h7; 5.h2-j2 f6-i6; 6.k8-i8 h7-h10; 7.j6-j10 g3-k3; 8.j2-k2xk3 i6-j6; 9.k2-j2 j6-j9; 10.k7-k9 d6-d3; 11.d11-d9 j9-j3; 12.k4-k3 j3-f3xe3; 13.f2-c2 e5-e1; 14.b6-b3 g2-g1xf1; 15.a6-d6xe6 h10-h1; 16.c2-d2 g1-g2; 17.k5-g5 e7-e2; 18.b3-c3 f3-f1; 19.e11-e3xd3 f4-f2; 1-0
Black captured 4, White captured 2

White: Nath
Black: Fraech
Opening: French Opening

1.g1-g3 h6-h3; 2.f2-f3 e5-e2; 3.f1-f2 g7-g10; 4.e11-e9 g6-g9; 5.k8-i8 f6-i6; 6.k4-i4 f7-j7; 7.k5-i5 i6-i7; 8.h11-h9 g10-i10; 9.h9-i9 h3-h9; 10.g11-i11xi10 j7-j9xi9; 11.i8-i9 j9-j10; 12.f10-h10 i7-j7; 13.k7-k10 j7-j9xi9; 14.k6-k9 f8-k8xk9; 15.h1-h8xh9 j9-k9; 16.d1-d2xe2 k9-k11; 1-0
Black captured 3, White captured 4

White: Nath
Black: Epoc
Opening: Millar Gambit Accepted

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.h3-h2xg2 g6-g2; 3.f2-c2 h6-h9; 4.g1-i1 f6-i6; 5.f10-i10 i6-i2xh2; 6.j6-j2 i2-i3; 7.d1-d3 i3-k3; 8.j2-k2 k3-j3; 9.k2-j2 j3-j11; 1-0
Black captured 1, White captured 1

White: Nath
Black: Conanlib
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.e1-e3 g6-g3; 3.k5-i5 h6-h9; 4.k7-i7 f8-i8; 5.f10-j10 f6-i6xi7; 6.k4-i4 i8-b8; 7.k8-c8xb8 i6-i11; 1-0
Black captured 1, White captured 1

White: Nath
Black: Adam
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.f2-b2 g6-g3; 3.k4-i4 f5-j5; 4.j6-j9 h6-h4; 5.h11-h5xh4 f6-h6; 6.i4-h4 h6-h11; 1-0
Black captured 1, White captured 0

White: Nath
Black: Hagbard
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.f2-c2 g6-g3; 3.k4-i4 f5-j5; 4.i4-i5xj5 f4-j4; 5.g1-j1 g2-i2; 6.f1-i1 i2-i3xh3; 7.k5-k3 f6-f3; 8.b6-b3 f3-c3; 9.a8-c8 c3-c7; 10.f10-b10 d6-d9; 11.c8-c9 e7-e10; 12.a7-a9 f8-j8; 13.h11-j11 g7-i7; 14.g11-i11 d9-k9; 15.j11-j10 c7-c8; 16.f11-f8xf7 e10-c10xc9; 17.d11-c11 c8-c9; 18.d1-d10xc10 h6-h10; 19.e11-h11 e6-e11; 20.e1-d1 c9-d9; 21.i11-i10 e11-d11xd10; 22.f8-f11 d9-d2; 23.j1-j2 d2-f2; 24.a6-h6 j4-h4; 25.j6-j3 e5-e1; 26.j2-i2 h4-h1; 27.h6-h3xi3 g3-g2; 28.f11-e11xd11 k9-e9; 29.a5-e5 h10-f10; 30.i2-h2 f10-f3; 31.e5-e3 g2-g3; 32.j10-j9 j8-f8; 33.k8-i8 f2-e2; 34.a4-e4 f8-f5; 35.k6-i6xi7 f5-d5; 36.b3-d3; 0-1
Black captured 6, White captured 3

White: Crust
Black: Nath
Opening: Indirect Millar Gambit

1.h1-h3 e7-b7; 2.a8-b8xb7 f7-b7; 3.b6-b3 f8-i8; 4.j6-j9 d6-b6; 5.e11-e9 e6-c6; 6.e9-c9 e5-e11; 7.f10-i10 i8-i1; 8.f2-j2 f6-d6; 9.d1-d2 c6-c1; 10.a4-d4 g7-g10; 11.c9-c10 g6-g9; 12.b8-b9 f5-c5; 13.a5-a2 c5-a5; 14.d4-a4xa5 g5-a5; 15.k8-b8 d6-c6; 16.d2-d1 h6-h8; 17.k4-j4 h8-k8; 18.j9-k9xk8 c6-i6; 19.h3-i3 i6-h6; 20.a2-b2 h6-h1; 21.j2-i2 h1-h9; 22.k5-k2 a5-k5; 23.k2-k4xk5 h9-j9; 24.i10-j10; 0-1
Black captured 4, White captured 0

White: Bainn
Black: Nath
Opening: Side Attack

1.h1-h3 f4-i4; 2.g1-g3 f5-f4; 3.d11-d9 e5-e3; 4.b6-b3 d6-b6; 5.a8-b8 e7-c7; 6.d1-c1 e6-c6; 7.h11-i11 f6-d6; 8.e11-c11 d6-d2; 9.c1-c2 c7-c9; 10.b8-b9xc9 c6-c3; 11.e1-d1 g5-c5; 12.a7-a9 d2-d5; 13.k4-j4 d5-i5; 14.f2-i2 e3-e2; 15.k5-k4 i5-i10; 16.j6-j10 f8-f9; 17.k8-k9 g7-g8; 18.g3-g2 g8-c8; 19.f10-e10 c8-c9; 20.d9-d10 b6-b8; 21.a4-c4xc3 c5-c8; 22.a5-b5 f7-b7; 23.d1-e1 i10-i8; 24.c2-d2 f4-d4; 25.f1-f2xe2 g6-e6; 26.e1-e4xd4 i4-g4; 27.i2-i4 c9-c10; 28.b9-b10xc10 f9-d9; 29.d2-d6xe6 i8-f8; 30.f2-f3 h6-h5; 31.b3-d3 f8-e8; 32.c4-c6 c8-c7; 33.d3-d5 e8-e5; 34.d6-d8xd9 c7-e7; 35.b5-b6 e7-i7; 36.a6-a7 b7-f7; 37.b6-b7 b8-c8; 38.b10-b8xc8 e5-e9; 39.a9-d9 f7-f9; 40.d8-h8 e9-e8; 41.b8-d8 i7-e7; 42.h8-h10 h5-h6; 43.j10-j8 h6-e6; 44.i11-i9 f9-f5; 45.k4-k5 e8-g8; 46.b7-d7; 0-1
Black captured 8, White captured 0

White: Mjølnir
Black: Nath
Opening: Face-to-Face Attack

1.h1-h3 d6-d3; 2.b6-b9 e6-b6; 3.a4-c4 e5-c5; 4.f2-b2 f8-i8; 5.a5-a3; 0-1
Black captured 0, White captured 0

White: Chuck ward
Black: Nath
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.f2-c2 g2-j2; 3.d11-d9 f4-j4; 4.a4-i4xj4 f5-i5; 5.f1-f2 f6-f3; 6.g1-g3; 0-1
Black captured 1, White captured 0

White: Duhawk93
Black: Nath
Opening: German Opening

1.h1-h3 d6-d9; 2.b6-b9 e6-b6; 3.f2-c2 f6-c6; 4.f10-c10 c6-c3; 5.a4-b4 c3-a3; 6.c2-a2 a3-g3; 7.a5-a3 f4-i4; 8.h3-i3 g3-g2; 9.i3-i2 g2-b2; 10.d1-b1 b2-b3; 11.j6-j3 b6-b5xb4; 12.a2-b2 b3-i3; 13.k7-j7 i4-i11; 14.j7-j10 i3-i10; 15.j3-j9 i10-i3; 16.j9-j3 e5-c5; 17.b1-c1 f5-f4; 18.f11-f9 h6-h9; 19.k6-i6 i3-i5; 20.i6-i9 g7-j7; 21.f9-g9xh9 f7-h7; 22.g1-h1 h7-h9; 23.i9-j9 f8-f9xg9; 24.e11-f11 i5-i10; 25.a8-b8 g6-g10; 26.b9-c9 f9-f10; 27.c10-d10 e7-e11; 28.e1-e9xd9 g5-d5; 29.e9-f9xf10 g10-f10; 30.f9-d9 f4-f9; 31.d11-c11 d5-g5; 32.c11-d11xe11 c5-e5; 33.d10-e10 i10-h10; 34.d9-d4 j7-d7; 35.d11-d9 g5-g1; 36.f1-d1 e5-e1; 37.d4-f4 e1-f1; 38.a6-a5 b5-f5; 39.f4-b4 f5-e5; 40.c9-c6 f1-e1; 41.a3-f3 e1-f1; 42.f3-e3 f1-e1; 43.k4-f4 e1-f1; 44.a7-c7 g1-g4; 45.f4-d4 f1-f8; 46.b2-f2 f8-c8; 47.k8-d8xc8 h9-h8; 48.k5-k8; 0-1
Black captured 5, White captured 2

White: Sybil
Black: Nath
Opening: Hungarian Opening

1.h1-h3 g5-i5; 2.g1-g3 g7-j7; 3.k8-j8xj7 g6-g10; 4.h11-h10xg10 f6-g6; 5.j8-j9 g6-g9; 6.b6-b9 g9-c9; 7.f10-c10 c9-c1; 8.b9-b1 c1-c9; 9.b1-b9 c9-c1; 10.b9-b1 e5-e3; 11.a4-a3 d6-d2; 12.a5-a4 c1-c2; 13.b1-b2 c2-c1; 14.b2-b1 f5-b5; 15.a8-c8 e7-e9; 16.c8-c9 c1-c8; 17.d1-c1 c8-a8; 18.c9-a9 b5-b10; 19.a9-a10xb10 f8-b8; 20.a10-a9 b8-b10; 21.a9-a10xb10 a8-a9xa10; 22.c10-a10 d2-d10; 23.a4-b4 a9-a8; 24.a10-a9 d10-a10xa9; 25.h10-b10 e9-c9; 26.f11-f8xf7 e6-e9; 27.d11-d9 c9-c10xb10; 28.d9-a9xa10; 0-1
Black captured 6, White captured 3

White: Altti
Black: Nath
Opening: German Opening

1.h1-h3 d6-d9; 2.b6-b9 e5-e2; 3.d1-d2xe2 e6-e3; 4.a6-c6 f6-d6; 5.c6-c3 g7-j7; 6.j6-j2 j7-j10; 7.k7-i7 h6-i6; 8.i7-i9 f7-k7; 9.f2-i2 g6-g8; 10.h11-j11 j10-g10; 11.f10-c10 d6-h6; 12.g11-i11 g10-i10; 13.j11-j10 g8-i8xi9; 14.k8-k9 i8-k8; 15.a4-b4 h6-h10; 16.j2-j3 g5-g2; 17.h3-h2 g2-g11; 18.d11-d10 d9-f9; 19.c10-c9 e3-g3; 20.a7-b7 f5-g5; 21.b9-b8 f4-h4; 22.a8-a6 g5-g6; 23.a5-c5 g3-g5; 24.a6-d6 g6-g10; 25.b7-d7 e7-f7; 26.b8-e8 h4-h7; 27.c9-e9 h7-j7; 28.b4-f4 g5-g7; 29.c5-e5 g10-f10; 30.g1-g4 f9-j9; 31.h2-h4 f10-f9; 32.j3-j6 i6-i8; 33.i2-i6 f9-h9; 34.h4-h6 g7-g9; 35.d7-e7 f7-h7; 36.g4-g6 i8-i7; 37.d10-f10 g9-g10; 38.e9-f9 h9-g9; 39.f4-f7xf8 h7-h8; 40.f7-g7 h10-h11; 41.e8-g8 i7-i8; 42.g7-h7 g9-h9; 43.i6-i7 h11-h10; 44.f9-g9 h10-h11; 45.f1-g1 h11-h10; 46.g1-f1 j7-j8; 47.j6-j7 h10-h11; 48.f1-g1 i8-i9; 49.k6-j6 h11-h10; 50.g1-f1 h10-h11; 51.f1-g1 h11-h10; 52.g1-f1 h10-h11; 53.f1-g1 i9-i8; 54.e1-d1 j9-i9; 55.d2-c2 i9-j9; 56.c2-d2 h11-h10; 57.g1-f1 h10-h11; 58.f1-g1 h11-h10; 59.g1-f1 j9-i9; 60.d2-c2 i9-j9; 61.c2-d2 i10-i9; 62.c3-b3 i9-i10; 63.b3-c3 h10-h11; 64.f1-g1 i10-i9; 65.c3-b3 h11-h10; 66.g1-f1 h10-i10; 67.f1-f2 h9-h10; 68.e7-e8 i9-h9; 69.b3-b4 h10-h11; 70.e8-e9 i10-i9; 71.f2-g2 h11-h10; 72.e9-e8 h10-i10; 73.e8-f8 h9-h10; 74.b4-b5 i9-h9; 75.g2-g3 i10-i9; 76.f8-f7 h10-h11; 77.b5-b6 h9-h10; 78.g3-f3 h10-i10; 79.f3-f2 i9-h9; 80.f7-e7 i10-i9; 81.f2-g2 h11-h10; 82.b6-b5 i9-i10; 83.g2-f2 j9-i9; 84.d2-c2 h10-h11; 85.b5-b6 i10-h10; 86.f2-f3 i9-i10; 87.c2-i2 h9-i9; 88.e7-f7 h10-h9; 89.f3-g3 i9-j9; 90.f7-g7 h11-h10; 91.b6-b5 h9-i9; 92.g3-g2 h10-h9; 93.b5-b4 i10-h10; 0-1
Black captured 2, White captured 1

White: Fraech
Black: Nath
Opening: Russian Opening

1.h1-h3 h6-h9; 2.g1-g3 f4-c4; 3.d11-d9 g7-g8; 4.k5-i5 e7-c7; 5.a8-c8 e5-e4; 6.e11-e10 f5-f3; 7.b6-b3 f6-f4; 8.k4-h4 f7-d7; 9.a7-b7 d6-d2; 10.b3-b2 c4-c1; 11.a6-c6xc7 f3-a3; 12.b2-a2xa3 f4-f3; 13.c6-c3 d2-c2; 14.c3-b3 e4-e2; 15.a2-b2 e6-e4; 16.a5-a6 g8-j8; 17.f10-j10 f8-i8; 18.h11-i11 h9-k9; 19.j10-k10xk9 j8-j11; 20.d1-d2xc2 d7-h7; 21.g11-h11 g6-g11; 22.d2-d1 e4-e8; 23.j6-j9 f3-f6; 24.k6-j6 f6-f9; 25.b2-b1xc1 g5-g10; 26.k10-j10 e8-h8; 27.e1-e8 i8-i9; 28.k7-i7 h8-h10; 29.g3-g7xh7 f9-h9; 30.h4-h8 h10-i10; 31.g7-g9 g10-h10; 32.e10-g10 i9-i8; 33.j9-i9xi10 h10-i10; 34.h11-h10xi10; 0-1
Black captured 10, White captured 0

White: Epoc
Black: Nath
Opening: Indirect Millar Gambit

1.h1-h3 e7-e10; 2.d11-d10xe10 f7-c7; 3.g11-g9 f6-f7; 4.k7-i7 c7-c11; 5.b6-b9 f7-c7; 6.d10-b10 c7-c2; 7.b9-b2 c2-c9; 8.b2-b9 c9-c2; 9.b9-b2 e5-e2; 10.h3-e3xe2 c2-c9; 11.b2-b9 c11-d11; 12.a5-c5 d6-d10; 13.a6-d6xe6 c9-c11; 14.b10-b11 d10-b10; 15.a8-b8 f8-d8; 16.d1-c1 c11-c10; 17.b11-c11xd11 b10-b11; 18.b9-b10 d8-d11xc11; 19.c5-c9 g7-c7; 20.k8-c8 b11-c11; 21.d6-d10 g6-d6; 22.g9-d9 c7-g7; 23.e3-e9 d6-d1; 24.f11-g11 f5-a5; 25.c1-c7 h6-c6; 26.a7-a6xa5 g5-b5; 27.g11-g8 c11-b11; 28.j6-g6xg7; 0-1
Black captured 6, White captured 2

White: Conanlib
Black: Nath
Opening: Indirect Millar Gambit

1.h1-h3 e7-e10; 2.d11-d10xe10 e6-e10; 3.f10-i10 d6-d5; 4.a4-c4 f8-c8; 5.f11-f10xe10 d5-b5; 6.b6-b9 e5-e3; 7.f2-b2 f6-d6; 8.a5-a3 c8-c11; 9.j6-j9 d6-d9; 10.k8-b8 f7-c7; 11.a8-a10 c11-d11xd10; 12.a10-c10 d11-c11; 13.b9-c9 d9-d2; 14.g1-g2 f4-i4; 15.f1-i1 f5-f1; 16.i1-g1xf1 i4-i1; 17.k5-j5 g5-i5; 18.j5-j2 d2-f2; 19.g2-h2 f2-g2; 20.h2-h1 i5-i3; 21.j9-j3xi3 g7-j7; 22.h3-i3 g6-g10; 23.h11-h10xg10 g2-g9; 24.i3-i9 j7-j9; 25.k7-k9xj9 g9-g7; 26.j2-j1xi1 g7-j7; 27.i9-j9 j7-i7; 28.h1-i1 i7-i2; 29.j1-j2 b5-k5; 30.k6-j6; 0-1
Black captured 7, White captured 1

White: Adam
Black: Nath
Opening: Hungarian Opening

1.h1-h3 e7-e9; 2.g1-g3 g7-j7; 3.k8-j8xj7 f7-c7; 4.b6-b9 f8-c8; 5.k7-k9 d6-d10; 6.d1-d9xd10 c8-c9xd9; 7.j8-j10 f6-f8; 8.f10-c10 f8-i8; 9.h11-i11 i8-i2; 10.j6-j2 i2-g2; 11.f2-c2 g5-g4xg3; 12.f1-i1 f4-b4; 13.d11-d1 g2-d2; 14.h3-b3 d2-d11; 15.c10-c11 f5-f10; 16.b9-b10 c9-a9; 17.a6-d6xe6 e9-c9; 18.a5-b5xb4 g6-g9; 19.b5-b9 c9-c8; 20.b10-a10xa9 d11-d7; 21.a10-c10 f10-f3; 22.d6-d2 d7-i7; 23.d2-i2; 0-1
Black captured 6, White captured 2

White: Hagbard
Black: Nath
Opening: Millar Gambit Declined

1.h1-h3 g5-g2; 2.f2-c2 g6-g3; 3.k4-i4 h6-h5; 4.f10-i10 f6-h6; 5.d11-d9 h6-h10; 6.e11-e10 g7-j7; 7.k8-j8xj7 f7-j7; 8.j6-j4 g2-i2; 9.f1-f3xg3 i2-f2xf3; 10.h3-h2 h5-h9; 11.i4-i9 h9-e9; 12.f11-f9xe9 h10-h3; 13.i9-i3 h3-a3; 14.c2-a2 e5-b5; 15.a4-b4xb5 a3-a4; 16.i3-a3 f4-c4xb4; 17.d1-c1 c4-c9; 18.b6-b9xc9 a4-i4; 19.h2-i2 i4-i9; 20.j8-j9 f8-k8; 21.j9-k9xk8 j7-j10; 22.k9-j9 i9-h9; 23.h11-j11xj10 h9-h1; 24.i2-i1 f2-j2; 25.k5-k2 j2-j1xi1; 26.i10-i1xj1 h1-h2; 27.i1-i2 h2-b2; 28.c1-b1 d6-d1; 1-0
Black captured 8, White captured 3

Millar Gambit Declined: 8,
Indirect Millar Gambit: 3,
French Opening: 2,
Millar Gambit Accepted: 3,
German Opening: 2,
Hungarian Opening: 2,
American Opening: 1,
Side Attack: 1,
Face-to-Face Attack: 1,
Russian Opening: 1