Opposite rule of fotoviken tablut (Black camps are blocked for white)
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:28 pm
I think, that an alternative rules for fotoviken 9*9 board,
could be next:
"1.Black camps are blocked for white and hostile for the king."
"2.The King gets captured by 4 pieces".
"3.The white player wins if the King reaches a corner tile".
Now in Fotoviken tablut Black Camps are blocked for both sides (for whites and for blacks who can't return), but this rule makes Black's play harder.
Besides, the rule that King wins in the edge of the board, but captured by 4 pieces, makes the Fotoviken tablut unbalanced.
Black can't win.
But the idea of hostile camps is interesting.
Maybe the opposite rule make the game balanced.
It is:
"Base camps are blocked for white and hostile for the king."
It means - white, can`t be entered black camps and move through them (but black can).
Could we create a new variant here?
A complete list of rules could be:
"1. Black moves first
2. King is armed
3. The King gets captured by four pieces
4. White can`t be entered Black camps and move through them.
5. Black Camps are hostile for the King
6. The white player wins if the King reaches a corner tile
7. The empty Trone is hostile to all pieces
8. Corners are hostile to all pieces
9. The edge of the board counts as hostile to the King
10. In a situation where both players repeat the same move three times each, the player who started it loses".
What do you think about this?
And sorry for my bad english)
I think, that an alternative rules for fotoviken 9*9 board,
could be next:
"1.Black camps are blocked for white and hostile for the king."
"2.The King gets captured by 4 pieces".
"3.The white player wins if the King reaches a corner tile".
Now in Fotoviken tablut Black Camps are blocked for both sides (for whites and for blacks who can't return), but this rule makes Black's play harder.
Besides, the rule that King wins in the edge of the board, but captured by 4 pieces, makes the Fotoviken tablut unbalanced.
Black can't win.
But the idea of hostile camps is interesting.
Maybe the opposite rule make the game balanced.
It is:
"Base camps are blocked for white and hostile for the king."
It means - white, can`t be entered black camps and move through them (but black can).
Could we create a new variant here?
A complete list of rules could be:
"1. Black moves first
2. King is armed
3. The King gets captured by four pieces
4. White can`t be entered Black camps and move through them.
5. Black Camps are hostile for the King
6. The white player wins if the King reaches a corner tile
7. The empty Trone is hostile to all pieces
8. Corners are hostile to all pieces
9. The edge of the board counts as hostile to the King
10. In a situation where both players repeat the same move three times each, the player who started it loses".
What do you think about this?
And sorry for my bad english)