Diagonal Race Tournament Format.

The Diagonal Race Tournament Format was developed on this site based on the tournament experiences since 2011 and used for two years now (2021 and 2022).
Format description finished November 2022.


The Diagonal Race Tournament Format is a further development of the Diagonal Tournament Format .
The ordinary Diagonal Tournament Format does not work well with Race Games, because dice and chance play a large role in the games, and therefore there's a need to modify the format for use with Race Games.

Tournament setup.

Round 1.

All players are ordered in a row by their ratings for this variant (possibly by maximum ratings).

The players are set up with four opponents like this:

   00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
00                 x              x           x              x
01                    x              x           x              x
02                       x              x           x              x
03                          x              x           x              x
04                             x              x           x              x
05  x                             x              x           x
06     x                             x              x           x
07        x                             x              x           x
08           x                             x              x           x
09              x                             x              x           x
10  x              x                             x              x
11     x              x                             x              x
12        x              x                             x              x
13           x              x                             x              x
14  x           x              x                             x
15     x           x              x                             x
16        x           x              x                             x
17           x           x              x                             x
18              x           x              x                             x
19  x              x           x              x
20     x              x           x              x
21        x              x           x              x
22           x              x           x              x
23              x              x           x              x

Round 2.

Players with two or more losses are eliminated.

Rest of the players are set up with two opponents like this:

   00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
00              x           x
01                 x           x
02                    x           x
03                       x           x
04  x                       x
05     x                       x
06        x                       x
07           x                       x
08  x           x
09     x           x
10        x           x
11           x           x

It is avoided, if possible, that players who already met, meet again.

Continuing with new rounds by this method until a winner is found. Losses are accumulated.

The winner.

Eventually only one player is left, the winner.

In case all players were eliminated in the last round:
The player with the fewest losses won.
If there are more players with the same fewest number of losses:

  1. Direct comparison of the games of the tied players counted for all rounds.
  2. If this is also even, the player who in the comparison won with the largest number of pieces left counted for all rounds, is the winner.
  3. Or new rounds between the tied players until the winner is found.

Tournament Race Simulator.

The Diagonal Race Tournament Format can be tested with this tournament simulator:
Diagonal Race Tournament Simulator.

Aage Nielsen, November 3, 2022.
(Updated Sep. 9, 2023).

Updated 9.9.2023
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